
How To Get Along With Her

It is very important to apologize when you are wrong, more often men assume that being a peace maker in a relationship gives away their power. Men want to dominate and not show any sign of weakness to their partners. Dominating and not showing empathy nor sympathy to your woman can easily chase her away, she will no longer express herself and might decide to find someone that can lend her an ear.

Be sensitive and always show that you understand her whether she is angry or happy. You must be able to know her likes and dislikes, when she is down because of anything that took place at her workplace, it is you that must cheer her up and make sure that she is well after a bad day. Whenever she doesn’t get your point of view, never try to impose it but make means to make her understand, you don’t want to find yourself being told “whatever, you always do things without my input” that will mean you don’t value her opinion and that you take her for granted.

When you differ in ideas sometimes go with her idea, this will show her that you value her opinion, it will also allow her to compromise easily the next time the two of you differ in opinions. Trusting her input and allowing her to express herself freely will allow her to trust you with everything. She will be settled with you emotionally and in all the little things that makes her happy.

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More often the way you communicate with her can lead her to resent you emotionally, which will mean whenever you touch her it will not be amusing as it should when she doesn’t resent you. Most relationships end long before two people actually part ways, they first disconnect emotionally after that the relationship survive at a borrowed time, everyone ends up doing their own thing. That means there is now a gap that has opened up between the two of you because of lack of communication, and something must occupy that gap, that’s when she eventually starts flirting with other guys or spending more time with family and friends, just to avoid you

Do not shout at her and don’t be a bully; respect is everything, remember respect is earned not demanded. If the way you communicate with her is hostile, then you would have created a bad environment for her, she will pretend to respect you because she fears you. Always consider her feelings and you will have a happy woman. Share your concerns or worries with her so that she is aware when you are stressing about business or work, she will be your support system and can become your shoulder to lean on.

If you are staying together it’s important to be transparent about sex, if she says that she is not satisfied, do not be angry but allow her to show you how you can please her. Don’t assume that you know it all because your ex-partner was pleased, they are not the same, just follow her lead and be observant, explore together and you will have a satisfied woman.

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If you are staying together, it is also important to be transparent with your finances. Money is a relation breaker. If you are both working it is important that you both contribute so that there can be stability, then you can spoil her because much as women can earn their own money, they also love being spoiled by their partners.

If she is not working, do not complain about money and tell her how she should spend the money that you give her. Create an environment where she feels part of your pay cheque. You should plan together and shop together, if you always complain she will do the same if it happens that you lose your job and she is the only one bringing in money. Life is unpredictable that is why it is important that she feels part of everything that you do.



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